Massive Rise In Dementia and Alzheimer's Increase in 30-44 Year Old's!
Recent findings of the 2020 Blue Cross Blue Shield report on Alzheimer's & dementia are truly staggering and jaw dropping.
Alzheimer’s disease and dementia have numerous factors that influence the disease trajectory, many of which begin decades before the first signs or symptoms appear. As such, it is essential to have a multiprong approach when addressing the risk factors associated with this dreadful condition. One of the primary approaches that holds incredible promise is in addressing the body’s inflammatory response. Prolonged inflammation results in gradual and progressive loss of your MOOD · MIND · MEMORY.
Researchers warned us that individuals who are deficient in the critical micronutrient Selenium are much more susceptible to viral infections such as SARS another coronavirus along with H1N1, HIV/AIDs, EBOLA and hemorrhagic fevers. Turns out...
Omega-3's: Protection for Athletes Against Brain Injury
It’s not new news that athlete's like football, soccer players and fighters experience head impacts that result in real neurological damage. What is news, however, is the fact...
Brain Bean and Multiple Sclerosis
Since we launched Brain Bean we have had so many individuals suffering with chronic conditions that range from:
Depression at epidemic levels
Mental illness is an epidemic in America. The number of people diagnosed with major depressive disorder seems to be increasing more rapidly every year. With the increased diagnoses also comes an ultimate increase in people who suffer from drug withdrawals after trying...